Tuesday, March 5, 2013



First posts are always awkward. There's a pressure to impress what small audience may happen upon your humble blog. There's always that fear you may say the wrong thing and drive everyone away right off the bat.
So here goes nothing.
My name is Sciaenops Ocellatus. Not my real name, I mean. My real name begins with an “A.” But, the Internet being the wretched hive of scum and villainy that it is, I am hesitant to mention my actual name. The name “Sciaenops Ocellatus” is much more distinctive and fun to say. Plus, it fits into the basic theme of this blog very well.
What is that theme, you wonder? 
This blog is a review site dedicated to various ocean-themed works out there. Anything from books to movies to video games will be covered here in a relaxed and fun environment. I'll be providing summaries of whatever my subject matter is, as well as adding in fun facts about the real-life versions of the critters and analyzation of the more artistic side of the story (where applicable).
And it will all be done without a single f-word. Because everyone else on the Internet swears, and I like to swim against the current.
Each review will have a basic layout. It'll look something like this:
(Cover Image)

Title: (just as it says: the title of the work (and any alternate titles) go here)
Rating: (if the work has a rating, it will go here; otherwise, the lovely “N/A” will make an appearance)
Media: (this is where I tell you what category it falls into: book, television, movie, video game, app, or other)
Genre: (this is what genre the subject is, such as adventure or comedy or horror and etc)
Creator: (name of the work's writer, studio, or what have you)
Edition Reviewed: (because I may own an older edition (such as a two-disc DVD when the reader has a five-disc BluRay), I will provide the edition I used for reviewing purposes for clarity's sake)

And after all of those technicalities, the review will begin in earnest.
And after all of these technicalities (ie, this entire introductory blog post), the reviews will begin in earnest.
But before that, I'm sure that any readers I have at this moment are asking themselves, “Why? Why is some fish-crazy chick from Texas starting up a review site for fishy movies and stuff?”
Is it for money? No. It might happen in the future, sure. But I'm not in this just for the money.
Is it for fame? No. I don't want to be hyper-famous like some Internet-based review websites. It seems like too much trouble to maintain fame. If I never become famous for doing this fish blog, that's perfectly okay.
So why am I doing this?
Well, gather round your dear old Auntie Sci and she'll tell you a story...
I've loved the ocean since my grandpa put me on his lap, told me crazy fish stories, and taught me how to recognize over 100 different fish species by sight when I was five years old. I started volunteering at an aquarium in June of 2002; I was only eleven years old. I worked my hardest to learn as much about the ocean as I could. I was going to be a marine biologist and play with dolphins all day. I got into my dream college: a marine-biology based campus that was advertised to be a haven for college kids like me.
And, through a series of events too numerous to list here, I crashed and burned. 
I eventually graduated with an Associates of Art. I was ready to start anew, get a job, and become a fully-functioning member of society. But I still loved the ocean. Was there some way to combine a love for art with my love for the sea?
A writing teacher suggested that I put my talents to use by becoming a film critic.
This came right after discovering a fun fish movie that no one I knew wanted to watch because they wrote it off as a rip-off of Finding Nemo.
And then it all fell into place.

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